Purpose of the event is to introduce Slovenian students to various programs for studying in the USA, opporunities for scholarships and other means of financial aid, and personal experiences of Slovenians with studying in the USA. You will find out all the practical information Slovenian students need if they want to study in the USA.

Guest on the panel are:

  • Taja Ložar, dr. med, postdoctoral research associate and ASEF fellow, McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison; American Slovenia Education Foundation (ASEF);
  • Špela Sušec, Informacijski center za študij v tujini, EducationUSA center, Oddelek za štipendije in programe Ad futura; Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad Republike Slovenije;
  • Luka Vončina, professional basketball player and former student at University of North Carolina;
  • dr. Jernej Štromajer, former Fullbright fellow and state secreatry at ministry of education;
  • Brian J. Street, deputy public affairs officer, U.S. Embassy in Slovenia.

The event will take place on Wednesday, April 21st, from 4pm (16:00) on Zoom.

Too all who wish to join the panel on Zoom and ask a question, please fill out the form below and we’ll send you a link to access the Zoom conference.


Panel will be broadcasted live onFB profile IPM Inštitut.

Event is organized by IPM Institute with the support of U.S. Embassy in Slovenia.