“We Make Democracy!” provides youth and their organizations with relevant tools and trainings to manage diversity, to encourage active citizenship and to enhance inclusion facilitating peer-to-peer exchanges between youth and youth organizations from Switzerland and from Western Balkans.

Project description

“We Make Democracy” is a 16 months training program for youth activist and workers who want to strenghten their competencies in the field of advocacy, inclusion and project management.
The innovative aspect of the project is twofold. On one hand, an online platform will be set up to support the project visibility, the exchange among participants, the dissemination of results, as well as international partnership. On the other hand, the project creates a strong link to horizontal cooperation between various individuals, youth organizations and contexts.

After the success of the one shot seminar in 2019, the project will continue to take advantage of the intercultural competences of organizations, participants and experts from Switzerland and from the Western Balkans. “We Make Democracy!” started officially in March 2021 and will run until November 2022.

Conditions to join the project for 2021-2022

  • Young adults from 18-30 who are active in Youth Organization;
  • All participants must know English in order to be able to follow the program;
  • Eligible countries of residence: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Slovenia and Switzerland;
  • Experiences in group leadership in order  to be able to share experiences and to disseminate the gained knowledge;
  • Participants from groups facing specific barriers will be given priority. The most diverse set of participants possible is the declared goal of the organizers to be able to explore manifold facets of inclusion and exclusion;
  •  Participants have time capacity and readiness to participate in the project for the next 16 months;
  •  Participant’s costs incurred for mobility activities are covered by SAJV-CSAJ.


Submit your application through the online form before May 10th. Selected participants will be informed by May 13th and will receive additional information.

The first meeting will take place online, on May 26th and May 27th. For more information, contact your country coordinator below: